Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Post 1- Morgan Reedy

The first thing that is obviously noticeable is that when you open the online version of The Kentucky Enquirer is that you get to see everything that you can read and it's very mixed up. Whereas in a newspaper where it is organized page by page. For example, you can get whether and traffic on the same page as the new's on the Bengals Head Coach. Whereas on the front of the paper it's articles on Day's low fares lure local flies and related topics.
The second thing that makes the online version different is that it can be updated daily. In the newspaper, there could be new news and you wouldn't know until you watched the news or got the next day's paper. This makes the stories a lot more reliable and faster for people on the go to keep up with the stories and what's going on in today's society.
You can also watch video's on the internet and get real live action. This is not going to happen with a paper obviously. You also have to carry the paper around, and it's easier if you work at an office to just log in and check the news for today on the internet. Watching an online clip from something is much more entertaining than just reading about it to most people so I can see why people would just visit the website. As for the coupons too though your only going to find them in the paper!

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