Tuesday, January 16, 2007

post #1- Laura

The Cincinnati Enquirer online version gives you the option to view a video for a story along with the type version as well. This is not an option in the print version. The site also has advertisement banners that change occasionally, allowing different advertisements to only take up one space as opposed to several advertisements taking up various parts of a paper. The online version gives you more news. Not being contained to a paper it has several links to different news stories to allow people to get more information than they would through print.

The online version appeals to me more, because you don't have to flip through pages looking for a specific story, you can search it, and the story comes to you. However the fact that I can have a tagible object in my hands, and can bring the paper with me wherever I go, appeals to me more. I don't have constant access to a computer to constantly check news information.

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