Tuesday, January 16, 2007

online vs. print media

There are many qualites that are different between print and online media. Print media is said to have more specific and better details than online media. Print media is more accurate with their stories. Print is more likely to have a correct information for the reader because of the time that goes into writing the story. Online media gets their story in as fast as they can and put up the information that the audience wants to hear. They are not taking the time as print would for a story. Newspaper also has pictures to go along with their stories. Yes online print does have pictures but not as big and eye catching as print. An example of this would be on the front page of The Kentucky Enquirer a big headline reads "Dayton's low fares lure local fliers." Another advantage for print media is that on the front page there are headlines and columns displaying what the reader can look for in the whole paper. Specific pages and sections that you can go to, to get your story. Online media you have to search each category to get your story. This could be time consuming for people. People want their news and they want it on the spot. Online media and print media do have a good quality. Advertisment is everywhere for both types of media. Whether it is a whole page in the newspaper of next to a story online, advertisers will get noticed however they can.

People have said that in the future print media will not be around. Slowly this could be true, print is just dying out. People nowadays are always on the go, nonstop world we are living in. People are at their computer or whatever technical device they retreive their internet from to get their news. So therefore the online media will be the main source of news for our country. Citizens don't have time or make time to stop at a news stand to get a paper and that is why we rely on the internet for our news sources.

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